*DEC* 訂營 Open Booking
Natural Rock Climbing
YMCAHK - Lamma Island Outdoor Centre
* MAR* 主營區 Main Camp Tenting Zone
入住日期 Check In Date
16/3 Sat
已售出: 0
Once the payment has been made and confirmed, refund and change of dates are not accepted 所有訂營於繳交營費後如需取消將不設退款及更改營期安排 ➡️ 計劃行程時請留意接駁船船期時間 Please be aware of the boat transit time slot when planning of your journey ➡️入營時間 General Check-in Time: 1200-1500 ➡️ 離營時間 Leaving Time for Tenting Zone: 12:00 ➡️ 每方塊/區約6米 x 4米;容納最多4人 Pitch/zone size : appx. 6m x 4m; max. 4 people ➡️ 🐶🐶友善營地 Dogs Friendly Campsite (如攜帶狗隻,請於備註列明狗隻數量及需為狗隻付接駁船費用 Please list out the number of dog in remarks; Boat transit fee is also applied to dog ) ➡️ 訂營必須為入營負責人,年滿18歲並在營期內出席 The person who book the camp will be the camp person-in-charge, must be 18 years old or above and present during booking date(s) 💲 價錢 Price : $760 / zone / 最多4人 Max for 4 People *尖沙咀港青會員可享10%折扣,請聯絡我們安排優惠碼 10% discount is applied to Tsim Sha Tsui YMCA member, please contact us for a promotion code 中心設施及服務 Facility & Service : ✅雪櫃 Fridge ✅洗手間及淋浴設施 Toilet & Shower Hut ✅飲水機提供冷熱水 Drinking Water Fountain with Hot & Cold Water ✅小賣部售賣汽水 Tuck Shop for Drinks ✅露營及煮食器材租借 Rental Items for Camping & Cooking ✅天然攀岩 Natural Rock Climbing 🔎營區範圍只可使用燃氣爐煮食;使用炭火煮食/燒烤必須於中心指定之戶外煮食區進行 Only allow cooking with gas/fuel stove at tenting zone; Barbecue / cooking with charcoal ONLY can be done at designated Outdoor Cooking Area in the centre 🔎露營不留痕 - 自己垃圾自己帶走: 1. 享受戶外活動同時要懂得愛惜大自然環境,我們鼓勵營友做到"露營不留痕",中心內不設垃圾桶,營友須要自備垃圾袋處理活動期間製造的垃圾和所有可回收物品(如鋁罐)並於離營時一同帶走。所有垃圾和回收物可以放置於近索罟灣碼頭的垃圾站和回收桶。 2.打造綠色營區計劃 - 減廢- 回收 事先計劃好露營及煮食所需用品可以減少攜帶多餘物品和製造垃圾,如預先去除食物包裝紙、避免使用一次性用品。 🔎Garbage-free environment: 1. With a leave-no-trace concept, no garbage bin is provided in the centre. Bring your own garbage bag and take away all the trash including item that can be recycled when you leave the centre. You may dispose your garbage and recycling item at the Refuse Collection Point and recycle bin near Sok Kwun Wan ferry pier. 2. Green Camping - Waste less & Recycle Plan ahead to avoid creating waste and trash. E.g. choose reusable item, less packing. 👉🏽下載中心資料及惡劣天氣政策及中心守則 Download information of the centre, bad weather policy and rule & regulation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/111ghKWK1B1-uFwuvVaM6vAa1TvYHnAGY?usp=sharing